The Birth of an Idea

This first post is about the birth of an idea more than the birth of a book. It’s about a crusade to introduce singers to the idea that what we meditate on makes all the difference in who we are - in who we are as singers and creative artists, yes, but more in who we are at our core. That is what it’s all about.

But the idea is in a book. A book that isn’t born quite yet. And the birth of a book isn’t for the faint of heart. The experience is filled with surprises and the finished product looks only generally like it was originally conceived. It’s a growth experience. So I wanted to share the experience from almost the beginning and give a little insight into my experiences writing.

Originally, I set out to write a didactic, fictional presentation of the experience of singing. That project has taken on quite a few different looks, and I wasn’t satisfied with its direction until earlier this year. That’s when I stumbled on the idea to tie in real historical events involving the life of one of the greatest voice teachers to ever live and blend that story with the story of a character who very well could have existed. The story will explore this fictions character’s experiences singing and learning to sing.

But while I’m happy with the direction of this book, it means I need to spend an extended period of time immersing in the culture of 18th century Venice. That will take some time.

At the same time I was realizing the direction of this first book, I was struck with the idea of writing a book of meditations for creative artists. I then narrowed the idea down to meditations for singers. As our minds go, so go our bodies, and the singer’s instrument is the body! It seems to me that singers spend far too little time immersed in meditative thought on the activities and emotions of singing. So the book 101 Meditations for Singers was born. Is being born. Will be born. Soon. Hopefully.

What mental framework makes an artist? How do our thoughts guide our creative spark? How do we slip into the creative moment? These are some of the big questions I am trying to answer. The mind leads the body, and everything is downstream from our meditations - our deep experience in the moment of freedom. I hope you join the experience.

As I add to this blog, I would like these entries to be conversational. Please feel free to reach out.