Tim Waurick: Barbershop Tags and Songs
Tim Waurick is a barbershop singer, coach, and recording artist. He is a member of the quartet Vocal Spectrum, which won gold in both the Collegiate Barbershop Quartet Contest in 2004 and the International Barbershop Quartet Contest in 2006.
The barbershop style is a straight tone vocal style written in four-part harmony with an emphasis on the use of the 7 chord. The melody is typically sung by the lead which is the second voice from the top in the harmonic structure. The bass part is the anchor of the chord with the tenor and baritone voices filling out the chord.
A barbershop tag is the drawn-out ending of a barbershop song. Tags typically extend one voice while the other three voices go through a variety of chord changes for dramatic effect.
Go the Distance from Hercules (song)
Listen to more of Tim Waurick’s tags and songs here: